
Knee Replacement Surgery

Knee Replacement Surgery

Knee Replacement Surgery services offered in Scottsbluff, NE

Chronic knee pain limits movement and negatively impacts your quality of life. If you have severe knee pain and other treatments aren’t helping, talk to Austin McPhilamy, MD, at McPhilamy Bone and Joint in Scottsbluff, Nebraska. He specializes in partial and total knee replacement surgery that relieves pain and restores mobility. Call the office to request a consultation with Dr. McPhilamy or book an appointment by completing the online form today.

Knee Replacement Surgery Q & A

Why would I need knee replacement surgery?

You might benefit from knee replacement surgery if you have a problem with the joint that nonsurgical treatment can’t resolve. For some people, that might be an injury that shatters the knee, but for most, it’s osteoarthritis.

This disease destroys the cartilage that coats the ends of the bones inside your joints. The bones rub together without the tough, slippery cartilage to protect them, creating inflammation and pain. Medications and physical therapy, then later on joint injections, can keep you going for a while, but there’s no cure for osteoarthritis.

If the bones start roughening and pitting, pain, stiffness, and weakness become more severe. If you experience knee pain and/or numbness and have trouble walking, you should see an orthopedic surgeon like Dr. McPhilamy, who specializes in diagnosing and treating knee conditions and performing knee replacement surgery.

What kind of knee replacement surgery might I need?

The joint replacement surgery you need depends on the nature and severity of your knee problem. Dr. McPhilamy offers the following knee replacement surgery options:

Total knee replacement 

Total joint replacement involves removing both bone ends in the knee. The kneecap (patella) may also need resurfacing.

Revision total knee replacement

In addition to primary knee replacement, Dr. McPhilamy offers revision total knee replacement to correct problems patients experience with surgery they’ve had elsewhere.

Partial (unicompartmental) knee replacement 

Unicompartmental knee replacement involves replacing one bone. It’s less common, but it may be possible if one of the knee bones is healthy enough to save.

With his expertise in knee replacement surgery, Dr. McPhilamy reduces (and often alleviates) joint pain, increases mobility and range of motion, and improves patients’ quality of life.

What does knee replacement surgery involve?

Knee replacement surgery typically occurs under a general anesthetic, so you’ll be asleep throughout the operation.

Depending on whether you have a total or partial knee replacement, Dr. McPhilamy takes off the bottom of your femur (thigh bone) and/or the top of your tibia (shin bone), where they meet in the joint. He prepares the surfaces and fits artificial bone ends.

Dr. McPhilamy uses Mako® robotic arm-assisted technology to perform knee replacement surgery. This enables him to create a 3D model of your knee to plan the procedure, ensuring optimal precision, minimal tissue damage, and fast recovery.

Call McPhilamy Bone and Joint or book an appointment online today to see if knee replacement surgery is right for you.