
Shoulder Replacement Surgery

Shoulder Replacement Surgery

Shoulder Replacement Surgery services offered in Scottsbluff, NE

You could benefit from expert orthopedic care if you have chronic shoulder pain, inflammation, and stiffness. Austin McPhilamy, MD, at McPhilamy Bone and Joint in Scottsbluff, Nebraska, specializes in treating shoulder conditions. He uses cutting-edge techniques and technology to perform shoulder replacement surgery that resolves chronic pain and restores joint function. Call the office to arrange a consultation with Dr. McPhilamy, or book an appointment online today.

Shoulder Replacement Surgery Q & A

Why might I need shoulder replacement surgery?

You might benefit from shoulder replacement surgery if you have a joint condition that other treatments can’t address. The most common problems are as follows:

Shoulder (glenohumeral) arthritis

The shoulder consists of the ball-shaped top of your upper arm bone (the humerus) and the socket (glenoid) in your shoulder blade. Glenohumeral arthritis develops when years of wear-and-tear damage the joint’s bone surfaces.

Rotator cuff tear arthropathy

This arthritic condition develops when you have chronic rotator cuff tendon tears. The ligaments and tendons covering your shoulder joint (the rotator cuff) can suffer injuries when playing sports or working overhead. Shoulder dislocations also frequently damage the rotator cuff.

The top of your humerus can shift position because of these injuries. It may erode the acromion process, which connects your collarbone (clavicle) to the shoulder blade, resulting in rotator cuff arthropathy.

Treating shoulder arthritis and arthropathy involves using anti-inflammatory medications, activity modification, and physical therapy. Corticosteroid injections can help as the disease worsens. You might benefit from shoulder replacement surgery for progressive symptoms when other treatments no longer work.

What symptoms suggest it’s time for shoulder replacement surgery?

Advanced shoulder arthritis and arthropathy cause problems with the shoulder joint that include:

  • Deep aching pain
  • Pain that worsens with activity
  • Grinding noises or sensations
  • Joint locking or catching
  • Increasing loss of mobility
  • Weakness
  • Difficulty using your arm
  • Pain that stops you from sleeping

Dr. McPhilamy performs a thorough physical exam and will look at diagnostic imaging results like X-rays or a CT scan to determine if shoulder replacement surgery is appropriate.

What does shoulder replacement surgery involve?

During anatomical shoulder replacement surgery, Dr. McPhilamy removes the ball (humeral head) at the top of your arm and replaces it with a metal implant. He replaces the socket (glenoid) with a plastic one. The rotator cuff holds everything in place. 

Dr. McPhilamy might perform a reverse shoulder replacement if your rotator cuff is badly damaged, so you use different muscles and tendons. He places the plastic socket on the humerus, holding it in place with screws and plates. The replacement metal ball goes into the glenoid.

Dr. McPhilamy uses minimally invasive techniques that reduce tissue damage where possible. He has extensive experience in both anatomical and reverse shoulder replacements.

Call McPhilamy Bone and Joint to learn more about shoulder replacement surgery, or book an appointment online today.