
Hip Replacement Surgery

Hip Replacement Surgery

Hip Replacement Surgery services offered in Scottsbluff, NE

Hip pain can be challenging to manage because keeping weight off this large central joint is so hard. If hip problems wear you down, visit Austin McPhilamy, MD, at McPhilamy Bone and Joint in Scottsbluff, Nebraska. He specializes in hip resurfacing and joint replacement surgery to eliminate pain and restore function. Call the office to arrange a consultation with Dr. McPhilamy or book an appointment via the online form today.

Hip Replacement Surgery Q & A

Why would I need hip replacement surgery?

The hip is a ball and socket joint connecting the thigh bone (femur) to the pelvis. The top of your femur (femoral head) is the ball, which securely fits into your pelvis’s socket (acetabulum). A ring of cartilage (labrum) makes a seal between the bones. The articular cartilage covering the bones minimizes friction and ensures smooth hip movement.

Normally, the femoral head and acetabulum fit perfectly. However, degenerative conditions like osteoarthritis break down the cartilage and bone, causing pain, inflammation, and joint deterioration.

Depending on the pain’s severity and the degree of joint damage, medication, physical therapy, and other conservative measures might not offer sufficient relief, especially as the disease progresses. Hip replacement surgery is then the best treatment option.

What kind of hip replacement surgery might I need?

Dr. McPhilamy performs two kinds of hip replacement surgery:

Total hip replacement

Dr. McPhilamy removes the femoral head and the acetabulum (ball and socket) during total hip replacement. He implants a prosthetic joint made from durable plastics and metals. 

Birmingham hip replacement resurfacing

This procedure uses metal parts to cover the femoral head and line the acetabulum. It’s minimally invasive and is particularly suited to physically active patients. Birmingham hip replacement resurfacing is an outpatient procedure with numerous benefits, including:

  • Reduced muscle damage
  • Less pain
  • Reduced bone loss
  • Minimal risk of hip dislocation
  • Less chance of requiring revision surgery
  • Faster recovery

Birmingham hip replacement resurfacing is especially good for young patients because it lasts far longer than other hip replacement surgeries — typically up to 20 years.

What happens when I have hip replacement surgery?

Dr. McPhilamy uses the direct anterior approach where possible when performing hip replacement surgery. This is a muscle-sparing technique where you lie on your back, and he makes an incision at the top of your thigh, moving muscles aside rather than cutting right through them.

Patients undergoing hip replacement surgery can usually use Dr. McPhilamy’s expertise in Mako® robotic arm-assisted surgery. He creates a 3D model of your hip in advance so he can prepare a detailed surgical plan. He guides the robotic arm during the procedure, giving him greater dexterity and optimizing surgical precision.

Call McPhilamy Bone and Joint to learn more about hip replacement surgery, or book an appointment via the online form today.